July 1, 2019
Your path followed the hill to some supersymmetry
awaiting sticky as spider web.
Robbed out of the sky when you looked at me
the hue caused distinction to ebb.
Words influence
how we misrepresent the soul
since the feeling about to commence
begins with the toe -
and works up like a wolf at my bed.
How wide is my proximity?
My soul is the clay of words
shaped into some kind of thing for the table.
Roots outgrow the pot using up all the dirt
in case there are buried unpleasantries.
I’m facing the sun
toward your contemplation room
of infinite space
and remember a photo
of two photons sharing a physical state.
Each the other’s mirror,
made no matter
how far apart…
Can you touch me through my clothes?
Love comes from the outer spaces
but monsters do lurk in the nicest of places
…as it erewhile made…Lamia melt into a shade *
Facetious interloper
in the meadow
upon whom is your hand laid
in the gathering
and left withering
between dinner plates
awaiting arrangement.
Keats * 2019
In my pockets laundered love poems faded
I spend nights
reading between the lines of shreds
driven to madness inside my very door
folding clothes.
Words wash to the ocean, words lost at sea,
there’s not a particle left of the alphabet soup
that wrote of you and me
poured down the sink.
Are you wise or do you surmise approximation
of angels wings and heaven’s strings
when mother’s hand went away.
The rainbow absorbed by your gray is black by day
I am blinded by the raiment of your skin,
I know you only from within.
If you’ve been cruel, you’ve been nice,
thin lips, blades slicing out.
Mirrors you hand me keep handing me back`
to dwell on my own perfection of doubt.
You lay over me sucked out every ounce of breath
replaced it with your own then bade me stop talk.
I heard a new term: transcendental a priori
Does that mean love is love inside love
or does it mean we’ve run out of concepts for the unknown?
Cruel April
Yellow yellow gray gray day on fire set for whim
alerts solemn Iris chill winds calm
from refrain burst a partial psalm
enfolded, startles a nodding stem
that nearly undressed with just enough flare
deceives a bird by such pretense to be so blessed
had covenant with each ribbon falling from her hair
placed back in the box to reopen again only self-possessed
for North still comes and closes the array not ready yet
forsythia blooms alone refract of her sisters
and without compliment to her silhouette
behaves as if she could make the wish hers,
noticed from out a closed window
teasing in sunny color- mistrusted though.
Baby Rene
don't let me smother you asleep
no one will hit you down in the street and
tell you they don't like the hand
of your penciled cry
baby Rene your skin is so cold
and the stain left when he twisted
your head marks a rose.
Hidden in the suitcase
will he understand
your stiff body relaxes my heart
your skin will never grow old
in the dark. How did you come to be left face down? 1988
Don't leave me
You go away, I follow,
a wall of roses shudders flung.
Eve stems somewhere red
un-replenished hill departed,
waves when wind
blows a nail. 1987
Your mythology is the sweet
of my decay. I am blind
(you are not here), my mind
is your syllable. We married
on your mother's bed, your
father wakeful as I acquired
your shape and left adrift
of the mooring you formed for me. 1991
To Miss St. Vincent Millay
Warped moon a valley ascends
rue voice shade laid pearl,
trees breeze no longer orphaned
where fears cheers begin
apparent only after absence fingering
mirrors laughter eclipsed while lingering.
Lonely past her
surd night tone,
Edna, no moon
recollects alone. 1987
Folding chair and sour stair
case a path to you. Wear my view
vaque resemblance, overcome
despair at diggers depth impression.
Behind the curtain my gaze
has to be in your direction
still steeped in another color
lake. Your name took
possession of my notebook. 1988
I still like the body of a church
I like that house that stands in a park
to alleviate the dark,
a sleeper who sleeps
in an icy pavement zone
keeps the keeper
on consignment auctioned,
valley views thru sweet corn
but we drive on our dog is ill.
I cannot utter my first words.
My room perspires dry flies.
I lay here and think about vacuuming.
My cat is dead.
I would be closer to you if
someone were to mention your name in my vicinity
and very close to you if
I heard your name all the time except for television.
Rock and Roll and stars
and dull melancholy empty in a chair.
Summer in Seckau
Welcher von beiden ist mehr klug
ein Vogel oder Frosch im einzelnen Zug.
Der Vogel frisst den Wurm, der Frosch die Fliege,
Ich denke in Ruhe auf meiner Gartenliege.
Doch ist jeder reich in der Luft und dem Teich,
und nichts muss in der Sonne fragen,
was der Tag heute wird tragen.
From Seckau for Luise Kloos
An dem Teich
die glänzenden Wellen
das Dunkle und Licht
das wir erstellen
wenn schwerelos schweben
blenden gleich.
Die Tiefe wir meiden
die Übung wiederholen
die regelmässige Führung
hält uns zwischen den beiden.
Sie wird sich breiten
tauchen in die Stille
gleiten in den Schlaf
ins Bett wir sinken ein
das Ufer aus Stein.
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Copyright © 2018 Rebecca LittleJohn rebeccalittlejohn@gmail.com